If you have published a file to a portal, you can remove the file from the portal using the unpublish feature. Files must be checked in before you can unpublish them. Unpublishing a file is different from recalling a published file. When you unpublish a file, changes made to the file while it was published are retained. If you recall a file, changes are discarded. In either case, the file remains in Document even after the file is removed from the portal.
Use the navigation panel to locate the file by entity. Locate and select the entity the file belongs to on the navigation panel. Then, select the File List tab on Document Central to view all files for the entity. You can filter or sort the grid on this tab as needed to find a specific file.
Search for the file. Document offers both a quick search and an advanced search. You can use filters and wildcard characters to help you limit your search to relevant results.